

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Giver: Film vs. Book

      There were many similarities and differences when it came to the events between the film and the book. One major event that happened in the film and the book was how the Giver, Jonas, and Gabe are the only ones that will be able to see the memories. In the book, when Jonas is about the leave, the Giver and Jonas think about who Jonas can take to Elsewhere when he says “There’s a little female with pale eyes. But she’s only a Six.”(156) This quote shows how Jonas and The Giver were trying to remember of any of the people in the community that have pale eyes. That means that if someone has place eyes, that person can be the next Receiver of Memory. In the movie the Giver, Jonas, and Gabe all have a symbol if they are going to be the next Receiver, like in the book. The difference is that instead of having pale eyes, they all three have a big birthmark on the wrist on their hand. This difference changes a lot of things because Jonas in the book also learns about color this way. The pale eyes also showed us that rule that pointing out the differences someone has within the community was seen as rude and not polite. In the movie, having the birthmark didn't really have a big part except with seeing color or anything major like that except for the fact that it might be more obvious if people see that the Receiver of Memory and the in training Receiver of Memory have the exact same birthmark on the exact same place.
      The ending of The Giver between the film and the book had some major differences with some minor details, but it also had some similarities. In the book, we see how the memories the Giver has given him help him along the way because “ Then it flickered suddenly, and he felt tiny tongues of heat begin to creep across and into his frozen feet and legs. He felt his face begin to glow and the tense, cold skin oh his arms and hands relax. For a fleeting second he felt the he wanted to keep it to himself, to let himself bathe in sunlight, unburdened by anything or anyone else,”(177) This quote shows how the memories helped him get through the coldness in the ending. Also, throughout the whole ending, the book always stayed on Jonas's point of view, it never changed. In the film, we saw the point of view change. We saw what had happened to the community when all the memories were being released to all of the people there. This did help us out when watching the film because we were able to see how the memories affected them. If the change of point of view didn't change,most people that didn't read the book wouldn't see how there was a chance that the community might change to how it use to be, with the memories.
      Although there were many differences between the film and book, I was able to get a better understanding with the film. In the film, I was able to visually see how the story was unfolding. I saw all of the different point of views which helped me see what the other characters were doing/thinking while Jonas was in his training and learning about memories. I also saw how the friendships that Jonas had with the other characters affected him later in the film. In the book, I didn't really see what happened to everyone else which might have been a way for the readers o find out more rules and get to know the community a little better. In the book I had a hard time on understanding on how the journey went when Jonas was leaving the community. In the film, even though it was different, I was able to visually see how the journey went and I saw what happened back in community which was a big part since we saw how the community reacted to receiving the memories.

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